Saturday, December 4, 2021

Surah Tariq

    In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
    The subjects in this Surah are mainly divided into two groups:
    1. Resurrection and
    2. The Holy Qur'an and its value.
    At the beginning, after some reflective oaths, it points to the existence of some divine protectors of man.
    To make manifest the possibility of Resurrection, it refers to the first stage of man's life and his creation from a sperm drop and then it draws a conclusion that the Creator, who is able to create him from such a lowly life-germ, can give life again, to him.
    In the following part, it describes the Resurrection and the uniqueness it has. Then, it offers some meaningful oaths to verify the importance of the Holy Qur'an; and finally, it finishes the Surah by mentioning Allah’s punishments for the unbelievers in order to give a warning to them.

    The Virtue in Studying this Surah

    There is a tradition from the Prophet (S) for the virtue of this Surah which says:
    “For the person who studies this Surah, Allah will reward this action ten times the number of stars in the sky.”1
    There is a narration from Imam Sadiq which says:
    "Anyone who recites Surah Tariq in his obligatory prayers will have a high rank with Allah in the Hereafter, and will be the prophets ' close friend and companion in Heaven.”2
    Obviously, it is the content of the Surah and acting accordingly which deserves such great rewards; not its mere recitation without following by action.
    Surah Tariq

     Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

    1. Wassamaaa'i wattaariq
    2. Wa maaa adraaka mattaariq
    3. Annajmus saaqib
    4. In kullu nafsil lammaa 'alaihaa haafiz
    5. Fal yanzuril insaanu mimma khuliq
    6. Khuliqa mim maaa'in daafiq
    7. Yakhruju mim bainissulbi wat taraaa'ib
    8. Innahoo 'alaa raj'ihee laqaadir
    9. Yawma tublas saraaa'ir
    10. Famaa lahoo min quwwatinw wa laa naasir
    11. Wassamaaa'i zaatir raj'
    12. Wal ardi zaatis sad'
    13. Innahoo laqawlun fasl
    14. Wa maa huwa bil hazl
    15. Innahum yakeedoona kaidaa
    16. Wa akeedu kaidaa
    17. Famahhilil kaafireena amhilhum ruwaidaa


    1. By the Sky and the Night-Visitant (therein);
    2. And what will explain to thee what the Night-Visitant is?-
    3. (It is) the Star of piercing brightness;-
    4. There is no soul but has a protector over it.
    5. Now let man but think from what he is created!
    6. He is created from a drop emitted-
    7. Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:
    8. Surely ((Allah)) is able to bring him back (to life)!
    9. The Day that (all) things secret will be tested,
    10. (Man) will have no power, and no helper.
    11. By the Firmament which returns (in its round),
    12. And by the Earth which opens out (for the gushing of springs or the sprouting of vegetation),-
    13. Behold this is the Word that distinguishes (Good from Evil):
    14. It is not a thing for amusement.
    15. As for them, they are but plotting a scheme,
    16. And I am planning a scheme.
    17. Therefore grant a delay to the Unbelievers: Give respite to them gently (for awhile).

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  • Surah TariqIn The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The MercifulThe subjects in this Surah are mainly divided into two groups:1. Resurrection and2. The Holy Qur'an and its value.At the beginning, after some reflective oaths, it points to t… Read More


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