Sunday, October 24, 2021

Wazifa for Rizk

    Allah Azzawajal ke huzoor: Do- do rakat kar ke 20 nawafil parhe aur har har nifl ki rakat me Sura e Fatiha ke bad Surah ikhlaas parh kar 100 martaba

“Ya Ghaffaaru” يا غفار

Parhe aur 21 din tak ye amal kare.
InshaAllah apki rizk ki pareshani hal hojayegi.

Things that Increase”Rizq”

1. Good intentions.
2. “Sil-e-Reham” – Staying in touch with family and relatives and being good towards them.
3. Always staying in a state of “wudhoo”.
4. Telling the truth.
5. Not swearing/taking oaths.
6. “Istighfar” – Seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT).
7. “Good Akhlaq” – good moral/ethics.
8. Not being greedy and being gracious for all the blessings of Allah (SWT).
9. Joining the two namaazes and reciting the “taqbeerat”.
10. Being present in the mosque at the time of “azhan”.
11. Saying namaaz in Jamaat.
12. Being absolutely attentive and humble during namaaz.
13. Being kind to all the forty neighbors on each of the four side of your house.
14. Clipping nails on Thursday.
15. Sweeping the main door of the house and keeping it tidy.
16. Having good behaviors with the momineen.
17. Combing your hair.
18. Punctuality.
19. Being trustworthy.
20. Saying the azhan and repeating it while being said.
21. Staying awake in the morning.
22. Giving priority to Allah’s (SWT) commands over people’s wishes.
23. Must not consider “rizq” (sustenance) to be something insignificant.
24. Giving “sadqa” – alms.
25. Reciting Sura -e- Yaseen in the morning and Sura -e- Waqia at night.
26. Saying namaaz -e-Vitr.
27. Praying for the momineen in their absence.
28. Avoiding futile conversations.
29. Avoiding unchaste actions.
30. Not talking in the toilet.
31. Good handwriting.
32. Being a pleasant speaker.
33. Reciting this one hundred times a day: La illaha illalahul malikul haqul mobeen.
34. Frequently repetition of : Lahawla wa la qoowata illa billahil aliyyil azeem.
35. Praying any outstanding and night prayers.
36.Reciting Sura -e- Tawheed when entering the house.
37. Wearing a finger ring either of “aqeeq” or “firouza” with “lahawla wa la qowwata illa billahil aliyyil azeem” engraved on the stone.
38. Washing hair with the herbs of “sidr” and “khutmi”.
39. Saying “Subhan Allah” thirty times daily.
40. Turning on the lights of the house before sunset.
41. Washing hands before and after eating.

Things that reduce “Rizq”

1. Considering namaaz to be insignificant.
2. Being disrespectful with parent.
3. Addressing parents by their names.
4. Walking in front of the aged.
5. Cursing one’s own children and praying bad things for them.
6. Breaking ties with relatives.
7. Managing financial affairs without any consideration and prior thought.
8. False swearing.
9. Expressing greed.
10. Having the habit of lying.
11. Turning away the needy.
12. Rushing out of masjid.
13. Going to the market before sunrise.
14. Taking a long time in markets.
15. Buying bread from a “faqeer” beggar.
16. Sleeping a lot.
17. Sleeping naked.
18. Eating while lying down.
19. Keeping the dishes undone (not washing them).
20. Not honoring breadcrumbs.
21. Not washing hands before and after eating.
22. Using all kinds of wood for a toothpick.
23. Biting nails.
24. Combing hair with a broken comb.
25. Being stingy.
26. Lavish the expenditures without a purpose.
27. Eating and drinking in the state of “janabat”.
28. Urinating in the shower.
29. Urinating while naked.
30. Shameless behavior.
31. Not wiping spider webs.
32. Keeping garbage in the rooms.
33. Sleeping while the sun is setting.
34. Listening to music.
35. Sitting at the main door.
36. Eating in an unclean and cracked dish.
37. Sleeping between the time for Namaaz-e-Fajr and sunrise.
38. Wiping the hands and mouth with sleeves.
39. Sweeping the house at night.
40. Leaving the food and drinks uncovered.
41. Having an appearance of a beggar.
42. Not praying for the parents whether they are dead or alive
43. Being severe with the wife in the matters of food and clothing.
44. Being lazy.

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