Sunday, October 24, 2021

Ramadhan Special Wazaif for Hajat, Wealth and Black Magic

 Wazifa #1 :- For the sake of completion of all of your Hajaat/ Wishes for whole of the coming year this is a very nice, powerful and easy wazifa. By doing this wazifa you will keep happy whole of the coming year and all of your wishes which will you desire in heart to be fulfilled will be fulfilled IN SHA ALLAH AZZA WA JAL with the blessing of ALLAH AZZA WA JAL due to this wazifa. This is for all Hajaat like job, wealth, and all day to day wishes like sometime you will desire to eat chicken and from some where you will get chicken to eat etc. What an interesting and beautiful wazifa is this? This is all due to the Barakah of the verse of Holy QURAN.

Now coming to the method of wazifa, which is really very simple. What you have to do is to just recite “ ALLAHUSSAMAD” daily only in Ramadhan after “Taraveeh of ESHA Prayer” or after “TAHAJJUD prayer”for 1000 times with any Darood Shareef for one/three/five/seven/eleven times at start and end of it. After completing it do DUA daily for fulfillment of all of your desires and wishes with ease by the blessing of ALLAH AZZA WA JAL. You will see that if you did this all of your wishes will be fulfilled whole year without asking to anyone IN SHA ALLAH AZZA WA JAL. One should do this wazifa every Ramadhan so that he/ she shall spend his/ her life with happiness and ease without any worry or difficulty.

Wazifa # 2:- To keep wallet full of money:-  As I always try to tell those wazaif which are easy to do and still powerful and effective in their results, here is an easy and interesting wazifa for gaining wealth. By doing this very simple one time wazifa your wallet will be filled with money whole year.

The method is very simple. After Esha Salah, that comes between 27th and 28th Ramadhan (means after IFTAR of 27th ROZA), take 7 grains of barley and then recite “YA RAZZAQU” for 70 times and blow on one grain then again recite 70 times blow on second grain and so on. So, like this recite 70 times and blow on each grain separately. Now keep these grains in your wallet with safe and care. IN SHA ALLAH you will see that whole year your wallet will keep filled with money. So, keep doing this every Ramadhan on same grains. After every Ramadhan the effectiveness of this wazifa will increase and increase IN SHA ALLAH AZZA WA JAL.

Wazifa #3:- For Breaking Black Magic and being Safe from further Black Magic whole year:-

Here is another easy and effective wazifa for the people who are victim of Black Magic and facing a lot of problem due to this Bad thing done by bad and Un-Islamic people of society. The person who is a victim of black magic should do this easy wazifa in Ramadhan to get out of this problem. If a person cannot do by him/her self, other person can do it for him/her. The method is very very easy. What you have to do is to daily in Ramadhan in Sahr and Iftar take one glass of milk and then recite following beautiful names for 101 times and blow on milk. YA HAFIZU  YA HAFEEZU  YA RAQEEBU YA WAKEELU

Then drink it with three Breaths/Sips means according to SUNNAH. Also recite 10 times Darood Sharif in start and end of this. By the wazifa of whole month of Ramadhan all of Black magic done on you will be cut and removed. Also, you will become safe from further attacks of Black magic for whole of coming year. So, if one will do this easy wazifa for the purpose every year he will always keep safe from black magic. I will suggest that parents should make this habit and tradition in their home to do this wazifa so that the whole family keep safe from Black magic whole of life. 

MUST READ DAROOD SHARIF & BISMILLAH SHARIF IN START OF EVERY WAZIFA NO MATTER MENTIONED OR NOT If you are liking my efforts please share it to others on face book and other communities...... I welcome Your Comments!

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